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Cardfight Vanguard!! VGE-DZ-BT07 Moon Fangs & Cerulean Blaze

Featuring cards from all 6 nations, including those appearing in the animation series "CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD Divinez DELUXE Arc" which airs from January 2025!


The new character Kagetsu Hakumo brings his partner Gatekeeper of the Moon, Veissrugr

to "Moon Fangs & Cerulean Blaze"!


Plus, reprints of multiple staple cards necessary for building decks!


Featured Nations: Dragon Empire / Dark States / Brandt Gate / Keter Sanctuary / Stoicheia / Lyrical Monasterio


Product Specifications

1 pack contains 7 random cards

1 display contains 16 packs

1 carton contains 20 displays 


126 types of cards + Parallels + Special Feature

※Excluding reprint cards.



Included are the following: 4 copies of each base rarity card in the nation of your choosing. ( C, R, RR, RRR)

Cards not specific to the nation ordered will not be included.

Glitter Cards are not included

Reprints are not included

Non-specific Nation cards are not included - this includes multi nation cards

If interested in picking cards not specific to the nation designated to your ordered playset please check out our TCGPlayer Page after release date. Link Below:

Cardfight Vanguard!! VGE-DZ-BT07 Moon Fangs & Cerulean Blaze

  • TSTCG does not offer refunds on pre-orders. Pick the wrong thing on accident? Let us know, we can help you out.

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